Our Capabilities in Response to COVID-19
With more than $2 trillion in approved COVID-19 relief funding by the federal government, oversight organizations are gearing up for audits to ensure that monies were spent as intended and benefited those parties it was designed to support. The Government Accountability Office (GAO), agency Offices of Inspector General (OIGs), the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, and state oversight bodies are enlisting audit firms like Williams Adley to identify fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement of federal funds.
About Williams Adley
Williams Adley, a nationally recognized certified public accounting and management consulting firm, has been serving government clients for more than 35 years. We have specialized past performance providing financial management and audit services for eight federal agencies in support of government economic recovery and stimulus funds. Our recovery work began more than 25 years ago during the Savings and Loan crisis, and related taxpayer bailout period, with program management services in support of the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) and expanded to include consulting services for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). After the 2008 financial crisis we provided asset tracking and due diligence reviews for Treasury's Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds, and in 2010 we supported the accounting for Treasury's Small Business Lending Fund (SBLF) capital payments. More recent work includes assurance and advisory services related to billions in federal and state grant monies for large scale disasters such as Hurricanes Maria and Irma, Hurricane Katrina, Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Afghanistan Reconstruction, and the Syrian Refugee Crisis. Our ability to quickly ramp-up project teams, our knowledge and experience assessing compliance with government laws, regulations, and contract terms, and our expertise in accounting for federal economic recovery funds makes us unequivocally qualified to provide financial management services in support of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Williams Adley’s Capabilities
Program Management of Economic Recovery Funds
Wide variety of management, advisory, and accounting services related to federal recovery and relief funds. We provide accounting, servicing, disposition, and reporting services related to assets and loans acquired by the government from failed financial institutions. Services include lockbox accounting and reconciliation; borrowers’ payment application and problem resolution; analysis of financing arrangements and mechanisms for loan administration; accounting and reconciliation of funds disbursed and received; administrative and reporting functions for lenders or grantors; billing reviews; contract expiration reviews; and other special reviews. Services also include document custodianship reporting, tracking, monitoring, and due diligence reviews related to recovery funds for financial institutions.
Pre-Award and Capacity Audits
Pre-award and capacity audits of grantees and contractors prior to the receipt of federal recovery monies to identify internal control gaps, system limitations, and other capacity issues that could negatively impact the recipient’s ability to account for and expend funds in accordance with federal regulations and agency guidance. We identify areas where recipients and sub-recipients may need additional technical assistance or monitoring and provide implementable recommendations.
Grants Management
Grants management services to federal agencies to assist program and financial offices with grant oversight. We perform risk assessments to determine the level of monitoring required and then identify and track compliance issues. Additionally, we provide training and technical assistance to grantees on behalf of the government to ensure understanding of grant requirements and to reduce the risk of waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars.
Other Post-Award Audits
Performance Audits – Audits of grants or contracts to ensure adherence to financial and performance requirements. We determine whether the grant recipient is meeting performance goals or whether a contractor has adequate internal controls to perform under the contract. In instances where performance goals were not met, or controls are not adequate, we determine the cause and provide recommendations to improve performance.
Incurred Cost Audits – Audits of costs incurred under federal grants or contracts to determine the allowability, allocability, and reasonableness of the costs incurred and to identify questioned costs. We also perform tests to evaluate internal controls and compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and grant agreements or contracts. Questioned costs result in recommendations to refund federal monies.
Relevant Past Performance
Resolution Trust Corporation – Program management services including internal control and compliance reviews of more than 30 asset managers, property managers, and loan servicers for the Office of Contractor Oversight and Surveillance.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – Staffing, management, and operation of the accounting and loan servicing functions of three FDIC Financial Service Centers in Atlanta, Kansas City, and Dallas.
Department of the Treasury – Document custodianship reporting, and tracking, monitoring, and due diligence reviews related to TARP relief funds for financial institutions. Accounting for SBLF capital payments. Additionally, for Treasury OIG, five compliance audits of RESTORE Act grants in response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.
Department of Homeland Security – Capacity audits of Public Assistance grantees in Puerto Rico in response to Hurricanes Maria and Irma. Audit of four Individual Assistance/Technical Assistance Contractors responding to Hurricane Katrina. More than 15 performance audits of states’ implementation of State Homeland Security Program grants, and 5 audits of Fire Management Assistance Grantees.
Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction – More than 20 incurred cost audits of grantees and contractors tasked with Afghanistan Reconstruction.
Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs – More than 40 attestation examinations of education initiative grantees’ financial and performance data.
Centers for Disease Control – Audit and needs assessment for the ministries of health in Ethiopia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe related to the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) grants and Haiti related to the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
Small business CPA firm that exclusively serves government clients.
Experience supporting all national post-disaster/post-crisis economic recovery programs.
Significant experience auditing disaster funds issued under the Stafford Act.
More than 100 grant audits for various federal agencies.
In depth knowledge of various federal grant and contract requirements including Uniform Guidance and Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), and the Grants Oversight and New Efficiency (GONE) Act.
Outstanding Service Awards from Department of the Treasury and Small Business Administration.
Company Information
Contract Vehicles
GSA OASIS SB, Pool 2, Contract #47QRAD18D000Y
GSA MAS, Federal Supply Group: 00CORP,
Contract # GS-00F-013DA
Washington, DC Based
EIN: 94-2834893; DUNS: 86-8712969; CAGE Code: 1ZFQ9
NAICS Codes: 541211, 541219, 541519, 541611, 541618, 522390
For More Information, Contact:
Melinda Buck, Business Development Lead